• New Training Programme to Combat Silica

    Air clean up

    New Training Programme to Combat Silica

    Dust extraction specialists, Dustcontrol (UK), have launched a new training programme in order to combat the issue of Silica in the work place.

    Dustcontrol UK will help contractors reduce their exposure to dust and fight Silica by training their clients on best working practices and making sure they are using the most appropriate dust extraction tools.

    Phil Haskins, Dustcontrol UK’s construction industry specialist, explains: “HSE research has shown that there are over 500 silica related deaths per a year in the UK. It’s the largest cause of occupational lung cancer after asbestos and construction workers have a 2-3 times greater risk of contracting COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).”

    He continues: “It’s a very serious issue. And these figures highlight the importance for contractors to capture dust at source and prevent dusts getting airborne before it’s too late. The HSE are doing a fantastic job in raising awareness of the problem, but we’re here to promote best practice and make sure workers are adopting the best approach. Common jobs like cutting or grinding concrete, chasing out mortar, drilling in enclosed spaces or sanding wood/MDF can be high risk if not properly controlled.”

    HSE have been carrying out further research and have discovered that around 2.3 million working days were lost in 2010/2011 thanks to self-reported work-related illness or injury. Just over three quarters of this figure were however down to health issues with the remaining being down to injuries.

    Phil Haskins comments: “H class vacs are fitted with H13 filters which guarantees that the product in question removes 99.97% of all particles greater than 0.3 mircometres from the air that passes through. Meaning the air exhausted from their products is the cleanest it can be. All of our products that we sell or hire out are fitted with H13 HEPA filters. When it comes to your life, why compromise?”

    FFP3 dust masks will also become a minimum standard, plus proper face fit tests will be required. Dustcontrol UK’s new training programme will also include onsite talks, which will help contractors meet the new regulations, improve site conditions and efficiency, and ensure any potential fines are avoided.


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