• How Can Pistachio-Power Fuel An Entire City?

Green energy

How Can Pistachio-Power Fuel An Entire City?

The concept of an eco-city - a population sustained by renewable resources - is an exciting one. News of depleting fossil fuel resources is never far away, while the idea that we can produce enough power to support an entire city is certainly very promising. But the question remains – could an eco-city work? And how would it work?

If plans for a Turkish eco-city are anything to go by, sources of power can come from the most unusual and unexpected of places. In fact, plans are in place for the development of a new city fuelled by a resource that while in abundance, is not an obvious first choice for energy generation. We’re not talking wind, solar or tidal power. We’re talking pistachio nutshells.

A no-brainer, in a nutshell

It may sound outrageous, but it soon becomes apparent that - for Turkey at least - this is an ingenious and logical solution. Exporting 6,800 tons in 2013, the country is the world’s third biggest producer of pistachios, so there is certainly no shortage of shells. The south-eastern region of Gaziantep - where the city will be located - produces more than half of Turkey’s pistachios. And exports are only part of the story - domestic consumption is also high, with pistachios featuring heavily in traditional Turkish cuisine.

In short, supply is certainly no issue.

While pistachio nut shells are in abundance, they are currently a waste product and head straight to landfill. It appears that the alternative - using them for energy production - is nothing short of a no-brainer.

Pistachio-power - how does it work?

The science behind pistachio power is relatively straightforward - fermenting the shells in a vessel, known as a digester, produces biogas. This is then used to generate energy, which will be passed to the city and used to power both public and private properties.

For more information about biogas, take a look at the Advantages & Disadvantages of Biogas, or to read how it’s put into action in this in-depth look at how the Blue Mountain Biogas Power Generation plant in Utah turns pig manure into power

Proposals for the eco-city boast a population of 200,000, located just 6 miles from the province’s capital, Gaziantep. Hopefully, 60% of the city’s electricity will eventually be powered by the shells.

As yet, the science of pistachio power is untested. But there is no lack of confidence in the logic behind it all and feasibility reports are now in progress. A pilot scheme is set to take place on a 135 acre plot of land and - if all goes well - construction for the eco-city is planned to start within two years, expanding organically from this initial site.

So while pistachio-power might not work for every country, it no doubt seems a promising possibility for Turkey. 


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