• Air pollution reaches dangerous levels in Beijing again
    The air quality in Beijing has reached serious levels

Air Clean Up

Air pollution reaches dangerous levels in Beijing again

Mar 01 2013

The air quality in Beijing has reached serious levels for the second time this year. A sandstorm combined with thick smog in the Chinese capital has caused dangerous air pollution levels.

The dust came in with strong winds from Inner Mongolia, whilst the natural pollution from the city meant that readings reached 400 microgrammes per cubic metre on Thursday (February 28th), according to Xinhua Press.

This is extremely dangerous as the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that levels of the tiny dust particles, known as PM2.5, should not be higher than 25 microgrammes per cubic metre. Further guidelines state that all children and old people should not go outside if the level reaches 300 microgrammes.

According to Reuters, Beijing resident Zhang Xiang said: “I was shocked this morning when I awoke to see yellow skies. I'm already used to smoggy skies. But as for the moment and this sandstorm, I feel like this has been one disaster after another."

The Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center advised local residents and visitors to stay indoors during this period until pollution levels have decreased. The agency said on Sina Weibo, China's version of Twitter: "We would hope that everyone stays indoors as much as possible and that people carry out appropriate measures for protection."

High air pollution was also recorded in other regions in China such as the Hebei province and in Tianjin. Beijing had also reached hazardous levels last month, forcing many into their homes for several days. PM2.5 particles can cause respiratory infections, heart disease and lung cancer and therefore pose a serious risk to health.

Following extremely high pollution levels in various Chinese cities, the government has been called on to encourage environmental policy and to balance industrial production appropriately.

Posted by Lauren Steadman


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