• How Can I Protect My Child from Air Pollution?

Air clean up

How Can I Protect My Child from Air Pollution?

With the World Health Organisation (WHO) announcing last year that 92% of the global pollution are exposed to unsafe levels of air pollution, the issue is clearly one that affects all of us. However, there are those who are more at risk than others – namely, the old, the infirm, those with pre-existing respiratory conditions and the very young.

Young lungs are not fully developed and if they are exposed to harmful levels of air contaminants on a regular basis, there’s a danger that they will never grow to their full size. Furthermore, the chances of developing lung complications such as asthma, atelectasis and even cancer are higher in those whose bodies are not yet equipped to fight off harmful pollution, while recent studies have even linked air pollution to mental illness in the very young.

With that in mind, here is a list of handy hints and tips through which you can do your best to protect your child from the dangers of air pollution.

  1. Cook with caution

Cooking can release harmful toxins and particles into the air, which can later be ingested by humans and cause harm to the respiratory system. Frying in particular is guilty of contributing to indoor air pollution, so make sure you always cook in a well-ventilated kitchen.

  1. Leave the car at home

Walking or cycling is not only beneficial for your physical health, it can also improve your air quality and reduce your exposure to transport-related pollution. That’s because sitting inside a car in a traffic jam or at the lights can expose you to the exhaust fumes of the vehicle in front – and once those contaminants are inside your car, they’ve very little place to go.

  1. Recirculate

If you really must take the car on the school commute, reduce your exposure to outside toxins as much as possible by selecting “recirculated” in your air conditioning system. This will reuse the air already inside the vehicle, instead of drawing in the harmful fumes from outside.

  1. Plan your route

Of course, any benefits of walking will be entirely negated if you march straight into a pollution hotspot. Fortunately, continuous monitoring emissions systems (CEMS) are becoming increasingly popular (even in developing countries), so up-to-date information on pollution hotspots has never been more readily available. Keep abreast of developments and plan your route accordingly.

  1. Put the cleaning products away

It might sound counterintuitive, but cleaning on an overly regular basis can release unwanted chemicals and contaminants into the air inside your home. That’s not to say you should live like a slob – but take care to open windows and properly ventilate every time you bring the cleaning products out.

  1. Kick the habit

Smoking is a filthy habit, whether you do it indoors or out – and what’s more, the bacteria and toxins released from cigarettes cling to your clothes even if you do practice it al fresco. Of course, smoking outdoors is infinitely preferable to inside… but kicking the habit altogether is far better than both.


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