• Latest Technological Developments in Water and Wastewater Treatment at IFAT Entsorga


Latest Technological Developments in Water and Wastewater Treatment at IFAT Entsorga

Severn Trent Services, a leading global supplier of water and wastewater solutions, will be attending the IFAT Entsorga exhibition in Munich, Germany, from 4 – 7 May 2012. The company will be showcasing its innovative solutions for water and wastewater treatment on stand A1.208. IFAT Entsorga is a leading global trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management.

Pressure on the world’s water resources driven by climate change and population growth has created increased global demand for desalination and water reclamation / reuse technologies. Visitors to the Severn Trent Services stand can obtain information about the company’s proven technologies designed to address world water shortages. The company has been providing water desalination technologies for more than 25 years and treatment solutions for reuse applications for more than 40 years.

Severn Trent Services is one of the world leaders in tertiary treatment technologies, with more than 300 systems installed worldwide including treatment of more than one million m3/d in Europe alone. The TETRA DeepBed filtration system is a down flow sand filter for the filtration of effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants. The technology offers process flexibility and high efficiency backwash for the removal of suspended solids and other insoluble contaminants. For nitrate-nitrogen and suspended solids removal, the process is easily upgraded to the TETRA Denite system, a fixed-film biological denitrification process. The Denite system integrates well with other plant treatment processes to provide superior total nitrogen and phosphorous removal. TETRA Denite and TETRA DeepBed filters represent more than 10 percent of the world’s capacity for wastewater reuse systems including more than 40 percent of all installations in Florida, USA.

The TETRA NSAF (nitrifying submerged aerated filter) is a tertiary ammonia removal process for municipal and industrial wastewaters. The TETRA NSAF is available in a range of sizes from small modular units for above ground construction to large bespoke design plants. All sizes of NSAF are capable of achieving low Ammonia standards.

Severn Trent Services is a leading supplier of electrochlorination technology. Since 1988 the company has installed more than 3,500 ClorTec on-site sodium hypochlorite generating systems worldwide, and the systems have been used for water reclamation / reuse applications in water-starved regions of the world. Severn Trent Services also has developed a cost-effective system for the on-site production of sodium hypochlorite for use in swimming pools, cooling towers and food and drink applications – the ClorTec SCT mini on-site sodium hypochlorite generating system. This compact, innovative product offers a safe and reliable alternative to the transportation of hazardous chemicals and is easy to maintain.

Severn Trent Services is a leading provider of inorganic treatment products including solutions for the removal of arsenic; iron and manganese, nitrate; fluoride; and for pH adjustment.

The SORB 33 arsenic removal system reduces arsenic contamination across a range of water treatment application sizes. SORB 33 systems are simple to operate, require minimal labour, and have been commercially proven to effectively and economically meet arsenic removal standards globally.

Bayoxide E33 is a dry, robust ferric oxide arsenic removal media specifically designed with a high capacity for both arsenic (III) and arsenic (V), providing long operating cycles and lower operating costs. The media also adsorbs antimony, cadmium, chromate, lead, molybdenum, selenium and vanadium.

The SORB 07 nitrate removal system is an ion exchange process that features a small footprint and brine reduction compared to conventional ion exchange systems. The system typically includes at least two exchange vessels in parallel operation. Treatment bypass and blending are included in the design to minimize operating costs. Coupled with process monitoring and controls, the resin bed’s ion exchange capacity is greater than that of conventional processes.

The SORB 09 fluoride removal system features a small footprint and enhanced design and automation for improved operation efficiencies compared to conventional activated alumina adsorption systems. The system is a regenerative process that utilises a weak caustic soda solution to remove fluoride from a solid activated alumina surface, extending the treatment life of the media.

The TETRA LP Block a dual-parallel lateral underdrain filter floor for RGF and GAC filters, is extremely popular with plant owners for their low headloss, lightweight construction and easy installation. The system provides excellent distribution of both backwash air and water to offer more efficient bed cleaning and lower operating costs. Severn Trent Services has been awarded several contracts to supply TETRA LP Blocks for pre-treatment at desalination plants throughout Europe.


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