• Groundbreaking New Super Absorbent Polymer to Retain Soil Hydration and Nutrients

Soil remediation

Groundbreaking New Super Absorbent Polymer to Retain Soil Hydration and Nutrients

A UK company has revolutionised water retention solutions with an innovative new product, Accepta 4301. Launched by advanced environmental technology company Accepta, the exciting new solution is a super absorbent polymer (SAP) capable of absorbing and retaining the large amounts of liquid that natural soils and substrates simply cannot maintain. 

With farming and rural entrepreneurship increasingly on the rise around the world, the new product represents huge value for farmers and land cultivators keen to ensure their soil retains water and nutrients at the most effective rate possible.

Unlike many other soil hydrating products on the market, the intelligent Accepta 4301 technology has the capacity to release water and nutrients with ease which allows plants and crops to absorb these life sustaining resources as they are needed. This responsive leaching process works to actively limit soil and substrate water loss through reducing evaporation and eliminating the release of unused water and nutrients. The final result is a significant improvement in plant growth due to the continuous presence of water and nutrients in the root zone which is readily available for absorption. Soil quality of compact earth will also be enhanced due to the increased aeration that the super absorbent polymer produces.

Nigel Richardson, CEO of Accepta said, “Accepta 4301 is a high performance super absorbent polymer (SAP)-based water retainer scientifically formulated using an innovative cross-linked co-polymer of acrylamide and potassium acetate. Its ability to control the retention and subsequent release of water and nutrients makes it a very exciting development for the agricultural and horticultural sectors.”

Accepta 4301 is by no means a short term solution and has been proven to increase the water holding capacity of soils for several years. This in turn has the potential to reduce irrigation frequency by up to 50% which signifies vast time and financial savings for any land manager. The product also acts as a filter on the availability of fertiliser which significantly minimises wastage and ensures plants have access to the valuable nutrients for as long as possible.   

As well as being hugely beneficial for plant growth, Accepta 4301 is also an eco-friendly cultivation resource which helps protect the environment against prevalent agricultural and cultivation issues such as drought and groundwater pollution.

Available in a variety of different particle sizes which affect absorption and release capacities, Accepta 4301 is an ideal water retention solution for all soil conditions and agricultural needs. Whether cultivators are associated with arboriculture, lawn maintenance, hydro seeding, bare root dripping, soil mixing, fertiliser production, floral decoration, plant transport or large scale farming, Accepta 4301 is the ideal soil and substrate companion to keep plants healthy, thriving and nourished. It is currently available in more than 90 countries.


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