• Time for the Government to Step Up on Waste Crime

Waste management

Time for the Government to Step Up on Waste Crime

Viridor (UK) has today published its response to a joint consultation on waste crime from Defra and the Welsh Government, to call for Government action to address the problem.

The response sends a clear message that it’s time for the Government to step-up in supporting the sector, amid fears that resources and waste policy has been left in a state of flux.

While real, significant progress has been made towards the achievement of the 2020 sector targets, without a new approach, the UK is in danger of falling behind other major manufacturing economies. New partnerships are needed between government, police and regulators to share best practice and drive greater competition among legitimate operators.

As such, Viridor is specifically calling for strong leadership from the new Government to bring about:

Smart, targeted, enhanced regulation to tackle non-compliance and fight rising waste crime, particularly in the RDF sector.

A National Resources Council, as called for by the Circular Economy Task Force and the Green Alliance, to strengthen the Government’s ability to respond strategically to resource supply and associated threats.

A move towards a fundamental realignment of the sector towards a regulated, utility model.

Following the announcement of the new Defra ministerial team, led by Secretary of State Liz Truss and with new Waste Minister, Rory Stewart, Viridor Director of External Affairs, Dan Cooke, said:

“This is exactly the right time for a renewed focus on the big issues that are holding the sector back. Waste crime is one of the areas seriously threatening the resources and waste sector’s tremendous potential as a growth industry for the UK economy. There is also serious doubt now as to whether the UK will hit its 2020 recycling targets without renewed focus. We’re looking forward to working with the new ministerial team on a renewed drive to tackle this.

“We hope the new Government will put tackling waste crime front and centre of its priorities for the sector. There was much to be encouraged about in the last Parliament, but too often mixed-messages translated to inaction and feelings that the sector was not being offered enough support. We’ve tabled some practical solutions to the problems we face and are confident that with a fresh approach from Government, the sector can realise its massive potential.”

With effective Government action through targeted, enhanced regulation to tackle non-compliance and an approach that realigns the sector along the regulated, utility model - Viridor is confident that England and Wales can continue its successful transition to a resource efficient economy.


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