• Turkish Wastewater Treatment Plant Increases Capacity and Lowers Costs with Siemens` Bioflowsheet+ Solutions Program

Wastewater treatment

Turkish Wastewater Treatment Plant Increases Capacity and Lowers Costs with Siemens` Bioflowsheet+ Solutions Program

Siemens has received a 5.5 million euros ($8M) award to provide a wastewater treatment system and associated piping, instrumentation and engineering to the Inegol Industrial Zone in Inegol, Turkey. The system will increase the capacity of Inegol`s wastewater treatment plant, while lowering costs.
Siemens Water Technologies will provide a BioFlowsheet+ Solution, consisting of a VertiCel aeration system, Flocculating Energy Dissipating Well Arrangement (FEDWA) clarifiers with the Tow-Bro
Unitube sludge removal header and the Cannibal solids reduction system. Siemens will also provide the necessary piping and instrumentation for the system in addition to all the electrical and automation systems
for the entire plant. The system is scheduled to be commissioned in mid-2009.
Inegol Industrial Zone (Inegol) provided Siemens with a contract to supply a system that will increase the plant`s capacity from 55,000 cubic meters per day (CMD) to 130,000 CMD. The contract will include a
warranty for the biological process to ensure that the plant meets required effluent quality levels. The order is based on the Bioflowsheet+ Solution Program from Siemens Water Technologies. It is a new biological process optimization program from Siemens Water
Technologies that integrates several key wastewater treatment plant operations, including biological, solids separation, solids treatment and controls to meet the needsof most wastewater treatment plant
applications. The program evaluates effluent requirements, land availability and specific cost factors such as energy use, labor and disposal. A visit at an operating BioFlowsheet+ Solution designed system in Indiana, U.S. convinced Inegol to implement a similar
solution at their site.
Besides increased capacity, the system for the Inegol plant will offer cost benefits, including a 30 percent savings on power, the ability to expand without adding more clarifier tanks, and improved sludge removal
efficiency. All of the main wastewater operations are proven solutions from Siemens Water Technologies.
The VertiCel biological nutrient removal system combines mechanical aeration in the anoxic tank with diffused aeration in the aerobic zones. Through optimized aerator selection and stratified dissolved
oxygen levels, the VertiCel system requires less installed and operating power than conventional finebubble aeration systems. The FEDWA clarifiers will replace the existing center feed circular clarifiers, increasing the settling velocity while improving the
flocculation specification of the suspended growth biomass. The Tow-Bro Unitube sludge removal header ensures positive, rapid removal of settled
concentrated sludge in one revolution. The Cannibal system eliminates the biological solids produced by activated sludge waste systems. This is accomplished through an interchange recycle flow between the
activated sludge process and a specially controlled sidestream bioreactor. Besides reducing the costs of hauling biosolids to a disposal facility, the Cannibal system can reduce the plant`s power and labor costs from aerobic digestion and dewatering systems. In
addition to the electrical and automation systems, Siemens will provide coarse and fine screening equipment, equalization tank mixers, a neutralization system with liquid carbon dioxide, sludge dewatering
equipment and blowers for the fine bubble aeration system.
“The Inegol plant has been using low-speed surface aerators and conventional clarifiers, and has been disposing of biosolids in a landfill,” says Anselmo Teixeira, Senior Vice President, Biological Clarification Segment for Siemens Water Technologies.


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