SmartLink Data Monitoring Programme for Compressors
Apr 27 2013
Atlas Copco (Sweden) has launched SmartLink, a new data monitoring programme for compressors that intelligently gathers, compares and analyses data to help compressed air users increase maintenance and service efficiency. Making smart use of connectivity, data monitoring and business intelligence, Atlas Copco helps customers to get a better view of their maintenance needs, maintain production uptime and improve, wherever possible, their operating costs by minimising energy consumption.
Until now, the service of compressors and compressor rooms was either based on regularity (ie organisations with service contracts in place that ensure planned visits from a service technician) or was conducted on a reactive basis (an unforeseen problem requiring an immediate intervention). According to Atlas Copco this doesn’t need to be the case anymore: The SmartLink data monitoring program enables the monitoring of productivity on a 24/7 basis.
SmartLink provides businesses with a complete insight of their compressed air production. It helps to predict potential problems (and thus anticipate them); and shows how and where production can be optimised and energy can be saved.
There are three different options available: SmartLink Service which enables the user to easily schedule maintenance visits as they have an overview of machine data and the time left before a service is due. The service log book is always just one click away and the online link with Atlas Copco allows them to request and receive quotes for spare parts or additional services quickly.
The second option SmartLink Uptime allows the end user to be informed by email or SMS message if there is a problem with their compressed air production. Based on this information the necessary actions can be taken to avoid the risk of a breakdown. It is possible to visit the website at any time and see the actual warning/shutdown status of the machines as well as a history of previous notifications.
Finally, SmartLink Energy enables the continuous monitoring and analysis of the energy efficiency of a compressor room. The user defines the performance indicators (such as air pressure) and the benchmarks and immediate improvements can be made when needed. The results can be used for energy monitoring according to ISO50001.
Over the coming years it is Atlas Copco’s ambition to integrate SmartLink into air production installations worldwide and help customers benefit from the insight it offers.
SmartLink is an easy to install, efficient to consult, and simple to tailor data monitoring program. Data is gathered, compared, and analysed efficiently and when needed, warnings are sent out in order to prevent downtime. This data enables local service organisations to plan and prepare their interventions. As a result service efficiency increases, time is gained and money is saved.
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