Automated Storm Tank Cleaning Saves Time and Money
Jul 19 2012
The UK's overfill storm tanks are constantly being worked on to be kept debris free, this is ever more evident during heavy rainfall events. Poorly maintained tanks can increase system failure risks leading to further flooding. As a result of this, the problem is high up on many peoples' agenda at the world of climate change meeting.
Usually storm tanks are cleaned manually, with somebody climbing in the tank and using a pressure washer. This method is labour intensive and potentially represents a health and safety hazard.
A way to automate this could save time, money and reduce risks. The HydroWhirl Orbitor from Bete (UK) was developed as a way to resolve this. Systems like this are used in a wide variety of industrial applications worldwide and have been found to be methodical and effective.
The initial HydroWhirl Orbitor tank wash machine cleaned in a 360° pattern, however this would not be beneficial for storm tanks as it could damage the roofing above and wouldn't be efficient with water. Due to this the Orbitor has been re-engineered to spray only in a 180° motion downwards. The type of cleaning needed was also slightly different to usual Orbitor applications. Rather than methodical cleaning, thoroughly removing residue, a more rugged clean was needed. This needed modification of the gearing system to achieve the correct wash cycle time, cleaning patter and flow rates.
After successful testing, 24 washing machines have been installed on site for each of the storm tanks. The result of this is that all the tanks can be cleaned without anybody entering the vessel. Bete have said that pay-back on this project will be measured in a matter of months and future installations at other sites are already being planned.
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