EPA funding to improve California water quality
Nov 22 2013
Federal funding is to be awarded to the state of California, US for the implementation of new water infrastructure projects, which could help to reduce water pollution levels. A total of $174 million (£107 million) will be awarded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help with major projects.
Funding is to be split between two main projects, which will then also help smaller schemes, with the California State Water Resources Control Board receiving $95 million to put towards its Clean Water State Revolving Fund. The California Department of Public Health is also set to receive a grant to the tune of $79 million to fund its Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF).
Both of these projects will use the funding to install upgrades that will help to reduce water pollution. They will also provide low-cost loans to upgrades throughout the state for the implementation of wastewater and drinking water infrastructures, allowing more to have access to clean water.
Jared Blumerfield, regional administrator of the EPA's Pacific Southwest Region, said: "In the last 26 years, EPA has provided more than $4 billion in funding for California water projects alone. Without this investment at the federal level, many communities would not be able to satisfy Californians' basic needs for clean and safe drinking water."
The SRF has previously helped to support a number of projects, including the renovations of an older water mains and the building of a new pumping plant in Los Angeles, for which is provided a $34 million. The City of Lathrop also received an $11 million loan from the SRF, which went towards the construction of an arsenic treatment facility. The loan also helped towards laying new water mains, benefiting more than 16,000 residents, and improving wells throughout the area.
Money will be supplied from the funds for a number of schemes, including wastewater reclamation, technical assistance, watershed restoration or protection, nonpoint source pollution control, drinking water infrastructure improvements and traditional wastewater projects.
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