• Hydro International Lays Down a ‘True Grit’ Challenge at IFAT Entsorga


Hydro International Lays Down a ‘True Grit’ Challenge at IFAT Entsorga

SEWAGE treatment operators will be challenged by Hydro International at IFAT 2014 to rethink their assumptions about wastewater grit particles that could be the unknown cause of huge operating inefficiencies.

“Operators are almost certainly allowing more harmful grit to pass through their inlet works than they realise, leading to costly equipment wear, higher energy use and increased maintenance costs. They literally may not know what they are missing,” says Hydro International Business Director Clive Evans.  “We are laying down the gauntlet: Visit our stand and let us change your mind about grit removal. The result could be huge savings in operating costs.”

Hydro International is among the world’s leading authorities in advanced grit separation and grit removal.  Leading international grit removal experts will be on hand at Hydro’s Booth A1 213 to question conventional assumptions and demonstrate the energy savings that can be achieved with proven innovative, technologies.

“The latest scientific research into the true nature of wastewater grit is overturning conventional thinking,” explains Clive Evans. “Particle size, shape, specific gravity and composition all influence settling velocities and affect removal efficiencies. Taking out finer grit particles than has been accepted practice could result in better plant performance and energy efficiency.”

Fine grit removal could be considered an essential part of a plant’s energy consumption reduction plan. Energy costs can account for 50% of a plants operating costs and removing the amount of sediment that has to be pulled unnecessarily around the plant can reduce power costs substantially.”

Hydro International offers a high-performance portfolio of grit removal, grit washing and de-watering technologies. New to Europe but already proven in North America, the space efficient HeadCell® modular, multiple-tray settleable solids concentrator targets grit as small as 75 microns. It is widely accepted as the ‘next generation’ grit separation technology. 

The Hydro Grit King® is an advanced hydrodynamic vortex separator that augments gravitational forces to separate grit from water with minimal headloss. Its simple free-standing vessel or constructed chamber design uses no power and has no moving parts, achieving low operating and maintenance costs.

“Ideally, 90% to 95% of all grits, sands and fine particles should be removed at the inlet to the wastewater treatment plant,” Clive Evans continues. “Wind-blown grit, dust and sand in a wide range of particle sizes is typical of climates in Europe, the Middle East and around the world. The particles lodge in open drainage systems such as ponds, channels and highway drainage and are washed to the treatment works.

“Grits and sands cause extensive and costly problems to mechanical equipment. Grit abrasion of metal surfaces causes premature wear in pumps, bearings and valves. Grit settles in low flow pipes and tanks, causing blockages and plant downtime. Sludge settlement and digestion processes are disrupted by the build up of heavy inorganic sediments.”

Hydro International’s grit removal technologies provide solutions for wastewater treatment plants  based on vortex separation technologies developed by Hydro over more than 30 years of continuous research and development.

For further information visit enquiries@hydro-int.com or visit www@hydro-int.com.


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