Air clean up
Scientists stress the dangerous link between air pollution and climate change
Feb 04 2010
Scientists from the European Network of Excellence on Atmospheric Composition Change (ACCENT) have stressed the dangerous link between air pollution and climate change and the multiplied negative impact they have on the environment and health when combined. With the presentation of their research at a scientific conference today and tomorrow in Brussels, leading scientists from all over the world are contributing to European policy development to help with the fight against this phenomenon.
The symposium brought together over 200 experts in the field with government representatives of European Union Member States. The meeting highlighted the fact that now more than ever the scientific community must work closely with policy makers.
ACCENT is one of the major research projects funded by the European Commission in the field of climate change. Its overall goals are to promote a common European strategy for research on atmospheric composition sustainability. To achieve these it has developed a sustainable collaboration within the European scientific community and its interactions with policy-makers and general public. The European Commission contributed over 11 million € of funding to the project.
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