Green energy
First ever baled Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) exported from Poland
Oct 25 2020
A truck load of baled RDF bound for Scandinavia represents the first ever export of baled waste fuels from Poland. For resource management company Geminor this constitutes the beginning of an important and sustainable international waste stream.
On 30th. of September, the first ever baled refuse-derived fuel (RDF) export volume left Poland by curtain-side truck transport. The waste fuel arrived at energy-from-waste off-taker Kvitebjørn Bio-el AS in the Norwegian town of Fredrikstad two days later, on the 2. October.
So far, the first three loads of baled RDF have been exported from Poland, reports Geminor Country Manager, Andrzej Zientarski.
– We are happy to finally include Poland in the European waste fuels export market, and very pleased to play a leading role in this introduction. Poland has been a receiving market for years, mostly in waste wood, but is now also ready to export their residual waste, says Andrzej Zientarski.
– Due to lack of incineration capacity, big volumes of residual waste would normally end up as landfill in Poland. This export gives the Poles access to the international markets for energy recovery, and is the most sustainable way of handling their waste at the moment, says Zientarski.
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