Waste management
Warm Welcome for Scottish Government`s New Legislative Programme
Sep 09 2011
“Lifetime Recycling Village is proud that Scotland is already leading the way towards a greener future through the 2020 Renewables Routemap, published earlier this summer. ‘Renewing Scotland’ builds upon this foundation to emphasise our country’s commitment to generating renewable energy and achieving landfill reductions, as we strive towards a more sustainable future.
“It is essential that we maximise the environmental and economic value of waste, through processing it to produce a fuel to generate green electricity, as well as recycled and remanufactured products. Lifetime Recycling Village’s proposed development in the West of Scotland would combine advanced mechanical recycling, energy conversion through biomass gasification, and plasma vitrification – all of which would significantly contribute to meeting the Scottish Government’s targets, laid out earlier this year and iterated again in ‘Renewing Scotland’.
“We are also delighted that the Government has restated its commitment to supporting young people into work, through extending its apprenticeships scheme by a further 25,000 places each year. Lifetime Recycling Village’s development will create hundreds of new permanent jobs for East Renfrewshire citizens, and thousands more during the construction period. Investing in the skills and training of local people is something that we are passionate about.”
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