• Oxfordshire homes to get gardens dug up over contamination fears

Soil remediation

Oxfordshire homes to get gardens dug up over contamination fears

Several homes in Wallingford, Oxfordshire, are to have their gardens dug up over fears that contaminated land may still exist from railway sidings and a metal works factories that occupied the area before the homes were built.

Oxford Mail has reported that dozens of homes in the area are to have their gardens dug up and tested for contaminated soil. South
Oxfordshire District Council has alerted residents that testing is to be carried out by an environmental consultancy firm at 40 homes.

The homes were built in the 1970s, but prior to that date, the land was occupied by railway sidings and metal works. The council has the right to gain access for the tests under the Environment Act 1995, and a letter has been sent out as prior warning to the residents that their gardens could be dug up to a maximum depth of 0.5 metres, to obtain samples between Monday, October 1st and Friday, October 5th.

Contaminated land officer Darren Detheridge said in a letter: "The council has no information to suggest that contamination is present, only that there is potential as the area is thought to have been used as a railway sidings and for metal working.

"It is this lack of information that has prompted the current investigation."

Prior to the digs, Mr Detheridge has asked residents if they have found any "discoloured or odorous" materials in their gardens and says the tests will establish if the materials pose "any potential health risk."

A 60-year-old grandmother, who lives in one of the homes in Hazel Grove, told Oxford Mail: "There must be about 300 private houses in these streets and I don’t think we have been given a proper explanation yet on why these tests have to go ahead now.

"The homes were built in the 1970s so it is puzzling that the council is waiting until now to carry out these tests."

Posted by Claire Manning 


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