Wastewater treatment
Major Orders with a Value of Around Eur 100 Million for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in India
Oct 03 2008
The Keshopur WWTP is part of the Yamuna Action Plan initiated by the Indian Ministry of the Environment and is to be financed by the JBIC (Japanese Bank for International Cooperation). The order incorporates the installation of new wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 54,600 m3/d, on the basis of the MLE process (Modified Ludzack Ettinger Process) and the refurbishing and modernisation of the an existing carousel process treatment plant which has a capacity of 91,200 m3/d and another conventional activated sludge treatment plant with a capacity of 182,400 m3/d. In addition, the sludge treatment technology is to be partially updated and expanded. 18 existing digesters will be equipped with new gas mixing technology and filter presses are to be provided for the dewatering of the sludge to be treated from the digester towers.
The Delhi Jal Board has also commissioned Va Tech Wabag India with the planning, building and operational management of the new large-scale Kondli wastewater treatment plant in Delhi, which has a contractual volume of EUR 29 million. The plant, which will have a capacity of 204,500 m3/d will be based on the activated sludge process and includes resource-protective, anaerobic sludge treatment with bio-gas utilisation. The biogas derived from the sludge digestion process will flow into a 2MW combi-cycle power plant and will render the plant fully self-sufficient with regard to its energy supply. This project was approved by the Indian government with the aim of enhancing the quality of life of the inhabitants of the Trans Yamuna region of Delhi. At the same time, it represents an infrastructure project aimed at improving the environmental situation as part of the preparations for the South
Asian Games to be held in Delhi in 2010.
Wabag India has been awarded a contract for the planning and completion of a comprehensive, turnkey plant water system and Balance of Plant including a wastewater treatment plant as part of the expansion of the Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited power plant in Vizag, India. The order has a contractual value of over EUR 20 million.
The main plants consists of cooling towers, a pumping station, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, demineralisation and a wastewater
treatment plant, which in tandem with the downstream ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis systems, facilitates efficient water recycling. Wabag India will also be responsible for the balance of plant of the thermal power station, the electrical and instrumentation technology and supply systems. The reclaimed water is to be re-used as make-up water for cooling tower.
The capacity is 4,900 m3/day.
Va Tech Wabag India has also succeeded in capturing another major order from the Infrastructure sector with a value of EUR 20.3 million. This contract, which comes from the Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), involves a comprehensive water treatment plant for the Durgapur steel plantâs power station, which is one of five DVC mega power projects in India. The order includes the feed system for river water, transfer systems with 13km of pipeline, a raw water system including a pumping station, pre-cleaning, demineralisation and ultrafiltration systems, filtration, chlorination, a wastewater treatment system and a treatment unit for the wastewater from a coal handling system.
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